Trusted by our partners to deliver

Land approach
Who we are
Vistry Group’s Strategic Land Team work collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders including landowners, councils, and communities to promote and deliver residential developments in a timely manner, maximising land value whilst creating sustainable communities.
After the planning application has been submitted, our planning team works alongside our development delivery team to ensure that practicalities such as infrastructure provision (roads, drainage and utilities), programme and procurement are properly coordinated.

Development delivery
We negotiate s106s and viability assessments, collaboration agreements, infrastructure delivery agreements, development strategies including phasing of land draw down, land valuation and land purchase.

How we secure planning consents
Vistry secures the vast majority of its planning consents via planning committee rather than via the appeal route.
After the council’s planning committee resolves to grant planning permission, the planning and development delivery teams liaise with the council to secure the planning decision notice and associated planning legal agreements.
When a satisfactory planning permission is obtained, Vistry work collaboratively with the landowners’ advisors to agree the land purchase price and payment terms.
Why choose Vistry Strategic Land Team as your partner?
As a FTSE-250 company, Vistry have the resources to fund the promotion of land through the planning process including the delivery of infrastructure works at no cost or risk to landowners. As well as paying a fee to landowners for the opportunity to promote their land, Vistry will meet their reasonable upfront legal, agency and tax advice costs.
The proportion of the eventual open market land value with planning permission accruing to Vistry for taking on the planning and development risk is agreed and fixed at the outset.
To ensure that landowners receive a fair price for their land once planning permission is obtained, Vistry will either appoint a professional Valuer to agree a “Red Book” valuation with the landowners’ advisors or facilitate a market testing exercise whereby part of the site can be sold on the open market to third party bidders. Either route can be used to establish the open market land value.

Proud of our reputation
Vistry’s strategic land team is proud of its reputation for integrity and fairness in its relationships with landowners. It is very rare that the agreement of the price payable for a site to its landowners needs to be referred to an expert to be determined.

Bringing our extensive knowledge
Importantly, Vistry is able to bring extensive knowledge of the strategic land and planning process to the table to benefit the landowners.
This can be seen in the thoroughness of the technical due diligence carried out, the quality of the planning permissions obtained and the “can-do” approach to getting on with infrastructure and house building at the earliest opportunity.