Countryside is working in partnership with L&Q and the London Borough of Ealing to deliver a 3,400 home regeneration of the 52-acre South Acton Estate with 50% affordable housing.

The development area of 52 acres will provide improved access and connectivity to the wider area and much improved transport links as well as 36,500sqft of new community and retail facilities. During the period of regeneration independent research has been commissioned to measure the development’s social impact and better understand and monitor priorities for local residents into the future.

Consultation has taken place through a resident-led communities board, a design subgroup, drop-in surgeries and independent resident advisors. Furthermore, a pot of £50,000 per year was created to support local community groups and facilitate social value initiatives including fashion, gardening, sports, education, music and community days and arts projects. This strategy is led by a Community Board, comprising 12residents, a senior member of Countryside and our housing association partner L&Q, ward Councillors and wider stakeholders from outside the estate.

We are also supporting Cultivate London, a social enterprise who is training unemployed young people in landscape gardening and horticulture, and work to engage the local community in food growing. To help create a sustainable social enterprise, Cultivate London has sold plants and shrubs to our development, as a valued supply chain member.