We are committed to the principles of the UK Corporate Governance Code issued by the Financial Reporting Council and our guidelines set out how the principles of good corporate governance are applied by Vistry Group.

Board of Directors
The Board is responsible to the Company’s shareholders for the long-term success of the Group together with its purpose, values, strategy, culture, business model and governance. The Board is supported by standing Audit, Remuneration and Nomination Committees.
- Overseas financial statements and reporting
- Monitors internal controls and risk management
- Monitors reporting and effectiveness of external and internal auditors
- Sets and reviews remuneration policy
- Determines remuneration and incentives of the executive directors and the Chair
- Sets performance criteria for incentive plans
- Reviews balance and composition of the Board
- Maintains focus on succession planning
- Leads recruitment process for the Board
- Recommends appointment of directors
- Sets diversity policy

Terms of Reference
The Board aims to meet governance best practice, taking account of the business model, organisational structure, processes, and internal controls that are right for the Group. The Group’s approach to governance best practice is set out below and designed to enable and support the sustainable long-term success of the business.