Shareholder queries
Any queries regarding lost certificates, change of address or dividend payments should be directed to:
Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
Bristol BS99 7NH
Vistry Group Tel: +44 (0) 370 889 3236

Share dealing service
A share dealing service has been established with Computershare, which provides shareholders with a simple low-cost way of selling shares or adding to their holding. Detailed terms and conditions are available on request by telephoning the above number. An internet share dealing service is also available by clicking here
Note: The provision of these services is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold shares in Vistry Group PLC.

Annual General Meeting
The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 16 May 2024, 12:00 noon at the offices of Linklaters LLP, One Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8HQ.

General Meetings
Information on shareholder general meetings including notices, prospectus’ and circulars

Managing your shareholding
Shareholder Privacy Notice
Vistry Group PLC is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. You will find full details in our Shareholder Privacy.
We advise our shareholders to be extremely wary of unsolicited calls and correspondence which can be ‘boiler room’ scams. You should make sure that you only deal with Vistry Group PLC or financial services firms that are authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’).
The FCA keeps a register of authorised firms, which is available on their website. Authorised firms are unlikely to contact you out of the blue with an offer to buy or sell shares. To check whether an enquirer is authorised under the FCA, to report a suspected fraudulent enquiry or for general guidance, please see the FCA’s guidance on its website at Report a scam to us | FCA. You can also contact our Investor Relations team at [email protected].